1 Standard Female, 1 Standard Male
May 4, 2007, Cola and Napolean |
2 Standard, 1 White Females
April 22, 2007, Sandy and Tuck |
1 White and 1 Standard Male
March 11, 2007, Breeze and Piquin |
TOV Ebony Female Violet Carrier, Dwarf or Dwarf carrier
January 13, 2007, Cola and Napolean |
1 White Male, 1 White Female, Dwarf Carriers
January 4, 2007, Sandy and Tuck |
1 Standard Female, 2 Standard Males, all Dwarf or Dwarf Carrier
December 17, 2006, Kaia and Napolean |
Violet Female Dwarf Carrier
November 20, 2006, Leticia and Dudders |
TOV Ebony Female, TOV Ebony Male (dwarf or dwarf carriers)
October 23, 2006, Coca and Napolean |
Ebony Female
October 12, 2006, Trouble and Tribble |
1 Male Mosaic and 1 Female Standard Dwarf or Dwarf Carriers
August 31, 2006, Keta and Nip |
2 Female, 1 Male Standard Dwarf or Dwarf Carriers
August 29, 2006, Kaia and Piquin |
2 Violet, 2Violet Carrier All Dwarf Carrier Females
August 3, 2006, Leticia and Dudders |
Tan Female
July 8, 2006, Popcorn and Gimley |
Tan Male
June 15, 2006, Smore and Morg |
Tan Female, 2 Tan Males, Ebony Female
June 12,2006, Krackle and Brutus |
Ebony Female
June 5, 2006, Trixie and Tribble |
2 Dwarf or carrier males, White, Standard or white, 1 Dwarf Black Velvet all
possible violet carriers
May 22, 2006, Sandy and Napolean |
2 Light Ebony Males
May 16, 2006, Thistle and Dobby |
3 Dwarf or Dwarf Carrier Males
May 12, 2006, Kaia and Piquin |
Tan Female
May 4, 2006, Pixie and Tribble |
Dark Tan Male, Ebony Female, Medium Tan Male
March 14, 2006, Cher and Chakotay |
Black Velvet Male Dwarf or Dwarf Carrier
February 20, 2006, Sorsha and Willow |
Two Ebony/White Males, One Ebony Male
February 15, 2006, Babe and Tribble |
Tan Female
November 25, 2005, Cher and Sonny |
Tan Male, Dark Ebony and Medium Ebony Females
November 5, 2005, Popcorn and Dobby |
Ebony male, White/Ebony Female, White Ebony Male, all possible TOV
October 27, 2005, Babe and Tribble |
Two Dwarf Carrier Females, Standard
October 5, 2005, Kaia and Piquin |
TOV Ebony Male
September 1, 2005, Binks and F'lar |
Light Homo Tan Female, Dark Homo Tan Male, Dark Ebony Male, Light Homo Tan
August 3, 2005, Smore and F'lessen |
Two Tan Females
August 1, 2005, Cher and Sonny |
TOV Ebony Female (possible VC)
July 9, 2005, Faelien and Bagjeera |
Two Ebony Males
July 5, 2005, Poppy and Tribble |
Black Velvet, Dwarf Carrier Female
July 5, 2005, Midget and Willow |
4 Standard, possible dwarf or dwarf carrier males
June 18, 2005, Kaia and Piquin |
One Tan Male, One Ebony Female
May 14, 2005, Popcorn and Dobby |
One Tan Female, One Ebony Male
May 8, 2005, Thistle and Tribble |
One Dark Tan Male, One Homo Beige Pastel Female
April 13, 2005, Smore and Flessen |
One Dark Tan Male, One Light Hetero Ebony Male
April 13, 2005, Naria and Flar |
One Hetero Ebony Female, One Standard Female
March 24, 2005 Caliente and Morg |
Black Velvet Female
March 20, 2005 Posole and Gimley |
Ebony Female
March 19, 2005 to Faelien and Bagjeera |
Dwarf Standard Male and Female
Born February 27, 2005 to Gismo and Kaia |
Ebony male and Tan Male
Born February 23, 2005 to Peanut and Morg |
Two Ebony Females
Born January 20, 2005 to Popcorn and Dobby |
Two Tan Males
Born January 17, 2005 Thistle and Tribble |
Ebony Female, Ebony Male, Two Tan Females and a Tan Male
Born January 4, 2005 to Cher and Sonny |
Ebony/White Female, Tan Male
Born December 24, 2004 to Poppy and Tribble |
Tan Female
Born December 23, 2004 to Naria and F'lar |
Ebony Violet Carrier Female
Born November 27, 2004 to Faelien and Bagjeera |
Hetero Ebony Female, Tan Female, Tan Male
Born November 27, 2004 to Krackle and F'lessen |
Tan Female
Born November 3, 2004 to Peanut and Morg |
One Hetero Ebony Male, One Dark Tan Male
Born September 29, 2004 to Popcorn and Dobby |
Two Tan Males
Born September 12, 2004 to Cher and Sonny |
Two Hetero Beige Females and One Standard Female
Born September 4, 2004 to Trixie and Gimley |
Two Beige Females
Born August 8, 2004 to Pixie and Gimley |
Tan Female, Hetero Ebony Female
Born July 13, 2004 to Peanut and Morg |
Ebony/white Male, Ebony/White Male
Born July 1, 2004 to Smore and Tribble |
Two Hetero Beige Males
Born May 17, 2004 to Trixie and Gimley |
Hetero Ebony Male, 3 Dark Tan Females
Born May 16, 2004 to Poppy and Chakotay |
Dark Tan Male, Dark Ebony Female
Born May 7, 2004 to Thistle and Chakotay |
Standard Female
Born April 25, 2004 to Pixie and Gimley |
Tan male, Every hair shiny black male
Born March 30, 2004 to Popcorn and Dobby
Tan Female, Every hair shiny black male
Born March 24, 2004 to Peanut and Morg |
Ebony/White male, Every hair shiny black male
Born February 1, 2004 to Trouble and Tribble |
Tan Male, Hetero Ebony Female
Born December 26, 2003 to Lessa and F'lar
Black Velvet male
Born October 28, 2003 to Piquin and Posole
Tan male
Born September 8, 2003 To Lessa and F'Lar |
Tan male, Every Hair Shiny Black Female, Ebony/White Male
Born August 10, 2003 To Popcorn and Tribble |
Dark Tan female and male
Born August 4, 2003 to Smore and Dobby At 5 weeks, both kits were at
350 grams. I believe they will darken to be close to the color of
their mother. And I think one is a TOV |
Hetero ebony female
Born June 14, 2003 to Winky and Dobby.
Elmers, Flit and Spot
Tan female, ebony/white female and ebony/white male
Born May 7, 2003 to Pixie and Tribble.
Elmers had trouble being born and mom did some damage (as you can see
from the photo) to her during birth. His vet named her Elmers due to
all the glue that had to be used to put her back together. Currently
she is doing very well, gaining weight and acting like a normal chin baby. |
Born February 21, 2003 to Winky and Dobby
Standard Boy |
Alesson and Moreta
Born November 12, 2002 to Tribble and Trixie
Hetero Ebony boy and girl Click
here to see video that was taken when the babies were
less than two hours old. Click
to see video of them when they were two days old.
Harry and Hermione
Born on June 6, 2002 to Winky and Dobby
Both are dark Hetero Ebony
Cho Chang, Trilawny and Harley
Born July 25, 2002 to Trixie and Tribble
TOV Tan/White, TOV Ebony/White and Hetero Ebony
Magilla Chinchilla and Rin Tin Chin
Born August 6, 2002 to Pixie and Tribble
TOV Pastel/White and TOV Ebony/White